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Sam Houston Forest Equestrian Association


The Sam Houston Forest Equestrian Association was officially formed in July 1984, after a meeting of forest user groups and the US Forest Service of the Sam Houston National Forest, in October 1993.

The mission of SHFEA is to work with the Forest Service and other user groups of the Sam Houston National Forest in establishing equestrian trails and campgrounds. This is an ongoing project.

The US Forest Service, SHNF, received a $125,000 matching grant from the National Recreation Trails Fund in 2000 to create 50 miles of horse trails and 4 trail heads, to be located on the Coldspring side of the SHNF. This project is currently underway with forester Chip Ernst. The paper work is still being worked on and hopefully by the end of the year 2001, we will be able to start breaking ground.

We are also working with the Forest Service on a parking area for equestrians located on the West side of the forest, FM 1375 and forest road 234. This is a small area, but would accommodate several large trailers. The PMT's or Multi use trails are accessible just off of this area. Currently there are 67 miles of multi use trails located on the Lake Conroe side of the SHNF. These trails were developed by TRH (Trail Riders of Houston, ORV club) and are maintained by them and the forest service.

If you or your club are interested in more information about SHFEA, please contact one of the Officers or Board of Directors.


President : Kristi Skarbovig 

Vice President: Chuck Brown

Secretary: Linda Summers  

Treasurer: Judith Hackney

Board of Directors

Cindy Crane

Doanna Gross

Marilyn Kinney

Carla Newby

Earl Stephens


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